Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 Resolutions

              So.. Here I go blogging again. I act like this is normal or something....but the truth is, I kinda like blogging! haha I like to organize all my thoughts in this crazy head of mine. Plus, I am convinced that ONE DAY,( day), I will be grateful that I can look back on all these memories of Chase and I.
               Over Thanksgiving, I got talking to Chase's amazing Grandpa. That man seems to have everything in life figured out.  He is such a wise, spiritual giant. But we got talking about school and its importance. I explained that with two and half more years to go, I feel like there is no light at the end of that dang tunnel. Grandpa Kent was quick to tell me that his absolute favorite part to look back on was when he and his cute wife first got married. He said that it was really hard and sometimes stressful to go to school, make a living and still have time for each other. But he added that it really was the greatest time in life. He sat back and told me to enjoy ever minute of it.  I don't think Grandpa Kent knew how much he influenced me that day. Its almost like an electric shock went right through me and made every inch of my body realize that fancy cars, clothes or anything materialistic really didn't matter. Life is about the people we surround ourselves with and who we become. Anyway. that kind of got serious. Aaaand Im not saying that I am perfect. By all means, I love to shop and get new things but I think that conversation was a great jump start to a new year. I walked away feeling more wise and dedicated to school, and the people around me.  The point is, I have a feeling that 2012 has so much in store for me!
Here is to 2012 and kicking resolution boootayy.

Ashley Richards Resolutions For 2012:

Be Strong- Work out AT LEAST 4x a week- strengthen every muscle group once a week. Be faithful to cardio. AND train/run at least 1 marathon this year.
Be Smart- Dedicate 100% to school. Don't miss class and get good grades. Also, this year is the year to Apply and get accepted to a Dental Hygiene school. yay!
Be Healthy- Learn to cook at least 30 new meals that are healthy, delicious and nutritious! I want to have a wonderful list of dinners that both Chase and I love to cook and eat! Also, I cant forget to eat healthy snacks!
Be Wise- Devote more time to daily scripture study with and without Chase. Continue to go to the temple once a week. Be sure to really kneel in prayer morning & night. Exceed in church callings by being a great sunday school teacher.
Be Happy- Remember to be grateful & humble, date Chase regularly, treasure the small things, look for beauty in everything, do things I enjoy, and always put others first.


  1. Love Love Love!! You're such a good example Ash!!

  2. WHAT!! I never saw this comment! But Thanks so much Stac! I feel the same way about you. You are the best friend anyone could ever ask for. xoxo
